In a school environment, learning can take various forms. Students learn a vast variety of information regarding numerous topics. This information includes what specific information teachers present to them, such as curriculum content, as well as social information they learn from their peers at school. With the vast advancement in technology available in the schooling system today, an endless amount of information is available to students, at just the click of a button.
E-learning involves Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and is defined as " The delivery of a learning, training or education program by electronic means. E-learning involves the use of a computer or electronic device (e.g. a mobile phone) in some way to provide training, educational or learning material (Stockley, 2003, p.g. 1). Simply, e-learning involves student's learning and refining knowledge through technological tools, such as a computer and the internet. ICT has the ability to transform, support and enhance student's learning, whilst maintaining a focus on the required content.
There are many benefits of incorporating ICT into a learning environment. ICT often visually and audibly stimulate students and hold their attention for longer, while still presented valuable information related to a specific topic. While it can be perceived that integrating ICT into the classroom is only effective for individual work, many digital tools can be used and are designed to be used in a group situation, therefore allowing students to learn in a collaborative environment.
The effectiveness of using E-learning and digital tools in a school depends greatly on the availability of infrastructure and digital tools available. For example, if a school does not have access to computers or the internet, teachers will find it extremely difficult to incorporate E-learning that is effective into their lesson plans. Student’s and teacher’s personal ability to use digital tools will affect the quality and effectiveness of that tool for learning as well. In the high school environment, students need to be monitored to ensure their use of digital tools is productive. High school students can become easily distracted as they are exposed to a new type of information resource, in which they can find out any information about any topic that interests them. Add this to the urge to use the internet to play games instead of complete class work, and it is obvious a webmashall program needs to be installed to keep students focused on their work. Many schools do operate a webmarshall program over their school internet connection.
When incorporating ICT into the classroom, it is necessary to understand that the students you are teaching will greatly affect the type of digital tools you use in the classroom. All students have different learning abilities and capabilities, and this need to be taken into account when using digital tools. The use of digital tools in the classroom needs to have an aim to benefit all students in that class. The type of tools a teacher should use in the classroom also depends on the age of the students you are teaching. If the class you are teaching is a Prep or Grade 1 class, then using digital useful tools such as PowerPoint’s and Prezi’s may not be very effective, as these tools are designed to present large amounts of information. However, if you are teaching a class of Grade 8s or Grade 9s, incorporating PowerPoint’s and Prezi’s into your class would be a great way to categorise information and present specific information related to specific topics. By introducing these digital tools to student’s early in their high school career, they have the opportunity to develop a high level of skill when using the program, which will benefit them in later years with assignments and tasks.
Incorporating E-Learning into classrooms is justified by a variety of different learning theories. Two main learning theories involved with E-learning are The Engagement theory and the Big 6 theory. The Engagement theory is centred around the idea that students are engaged in learning, working with other students, on tasks that are meaningful to them. This theory contains three main principles, which are Relate, Create and Donate. (Kearsley, 1999, p.g.1)
The Big 6 learning theory is based around six key elements of learning (Eisenberg, 2001, p.g.1), which are:
1. Task Definition.
2. Information seeking strategies.
3. Location and Access.
4. Use of Information.
5. Synthesis.
6. Evaluate.
I have selected the following 4 tools to justify the use of digital technology in the schooling environment. These tools offer a wide variety of benefits to each individual learner, regardless of their learning style. These tools also support important principles of the Engagement theory and the Big 6 theory.
Prezi's offer student’s visual stimulation whilst presenting information, which keeps students attention for longer periods of time. A prezi is a program similar to powerpoint in which users can create visual presentations, add motion paths to their text, and use a number of different functions to produce effective presentations. As stated in my blog, Prezi's offer a great alternative to PowerPoint, and its use incorpoarate the “Create” principle of the engagement theory(Kearsley, 1999, p.g.1). If a teacher sets a task to a group to create a Prezi about a particular topic, the group is working together as a team, which develops each student’s communication, planning, management and social skills. This is a key factor regarding the Create principle of the Engagement theory. As shown in my blog, a Prezi presentation differs from a PowerPoint in that the movement of all the information is constant and can be categorised easier. I personally believe I would use Prezi’s over powerpoints in many cases as they offer more ability to personalise and categorise information. Many students may have become accustom to PowerPoint as it has been a learning tool for many years now. By incorporating Prezi’s into my lesson plans, it offers students a form of ICT which will keep students interested in the digital tools, and enhance their learning.
Learning Animations and Objects offer student's the ability to see knowledge in “real-life" examples, by using interactive technology. This allows students to interactive with concepts and ideas they are learning about regarding a particular copy. Examples of learning objects can be viewed in the “Learning Objects” posting of my blog. By incorporating learning objects into my HPE lessons plans, student will be able to practice physical actions such as CPR. Students would be able to do this by selecting the right place on the body to press down, how to lay the body out ect. Learning Animations relate to Big 6 learning theory principle of “Use of Information" ( EisenBerg, 2001, p.g.1). Learning objects offer students the chance to use the information they have been learning in real-life examples, which allow them to refine their knowledge of that subject.
Wikis offer groups of users the ability to easily create and organise information, by presented all the information on an easy to access webpage. As explained in my blog and on David Evan’s comment of my wiki posting, wikis can be used by student's when presenting group assignments, as the information on a wiki page can be edited by any member of that group. However, as with all digital technologies, students may abuse this resource and post inappropriate information for every student to view. Therefore, teacher overview of the content on the page is required. Wiki's are related to the " Relate" principle of the Engagement Theory(Kearsley, 1999, p.g.1). BY using a wiki, student's are working as group, communicating effectively, planning and problem solving, which are all elements of the "Relate" principle.
Audio Visual Content, such as videos and podcasts, can be used to broaden a student's knowledge about a particular area. BY using this content, students can visually see the information that may otherwise only be presented in written form. This can be an invaluable source in classes such as HPE, where theory areas such as muscle growth or energy systems can be very hard concepts to grasp. By useful video footage, teacher's open up their students mind and allow them to visual what the information means. Doug Johnson states “After finding potentially useful resources, students must engage (read, view, listen) the information to determine its relevance and then extract the relevant information” ( 2010, p.g.26). With the advancement of technology, students can also be asked to complete assignments that require video footage to be recorded. These assignments often involve group work which is a key component of the engagement theory. Using this particular digital tool also corresponds with the “Use of Information" principle of the " Big 6" theory (Eisenberg, 2001, p.g.1). By using a variety of information, in which the student must interact with the information by seeing, hearing, reading and doing, students develop a greater understanding of the information presented. However, it is necessary that teacher’s do not become reliant on video footage to explain knowledge and procedures to students, which is confirmed by David Evan’s Comment, and Hannah Greer’s comment. As a physical education teacher, it is necessary I am capable and competent in performing physical actions I am trying to teach the students. In PE, it is not enough to simply show videos and expect student’s to understand concepts and actions; they need actually complete the action with their body.
As evidenced in my synopsis and the postings of my blog, integrating ICT and digital tools into the classroom opens up endless information for students to access information. As well as this, many digital technologies can be incorporated into group work and tasks, in which students are building their communication, problem solving, and social skills. Teachers that integrate effective ICT into the classroom offer their students the ability to develop, refine, transform and present information in interesting and effective ways.
The following comments have been placed on my blog postings, analysing and evaluating the information presented in each posting.
David's Comment Regarding Video Footage
Hannah's Comment Regarding Video Footage
Hannahs's Comment regarding Podcasts
David's Comment Regarding Wiki's
Mel's Comment Regarding Wiki's
David's Comment Regarding Mind Maps
The following Comments are comments I have posted regarding other student's blog postings. These comments analyse the information presented in the postings, and offer further advice or justification.
My comment on Hannah's Blog regarding Google Earth
My Comment on Hannah's Blog regarding Interactive Objects
My Comment on David's Blog regarding Learning Objects
My Comment on Starleigh's Blog regarding Powerpoint
1. 1. Eisenberg, M. (n.d.). Big 6 Skills Overview. Big6 . Retrieved August 26, 2010, from
2. Kersley, G. (1998). Engagement Theory: Framework for Technology-Based Teaching and Learning. Engagement Theory. Retrieved August 25, 2010, from
3. Eisenberg, M., Johnson, D., & Berkowitz, B. (2010). Information, Communications, and Technology. The Big 6, a. Retrieved August 26, 2010, from
4. Stockley, D. (1996). E-learning Definition . Retrieved August 26, 2010, from
Rikky's Blog
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Google Earth and Google Maps
In this day and age, with the advancements in technology and survalience, it is amazing to see at what the average individual with a computer and internet connection can access with the click of a button. By simply entering an address or location into a program called google maps, the internet user can view real life pictures of the location, from a viarety of angles. It is obvious that when all this information is easily avaliable and for free, it can be an invaluable tool for student's not only in high school, but in primary school and university.
Google Earth develops the images of the cities of the world by incorporating pictures taken of a particular location, from a variety of angles, and adjusting it to meet the needs of the program. IN the latest version of Google Earth, the moon and Mars are included and can be easily viewed, as well as below the oceans surface. Another application invovled in Google Earth is the ability to fly a plane around a paritcular location. THerefore, the user is able to view different parts of a town, city or country.
Google Maps does not have as many features as Google Earth, yet it is still a very valuable teaching tools as student's can view streets, cities, and locations around the world with extremely clear footage of these areas.
Google Earth is available in some schools around Australia. I know from personal experience that many schools in Mackay have Google Earth downloaded and avaliable for students. By incorporating google Earth into the classroom, teachers open up a " world of information" for students to access and be involved in. Google Earth could be incorpoarated into a vairety of learning subjects, such as SOSE, English, Biology, Science, HPE and others.
When using this technology as a teacher, I would try to ensure all students remain on task, as this type of technology has the ability to distract students. Student's could become distracted by looking at their house or friend's house, and not focus on the task at hand. However, i believe google earth is an amazing teaching tool that will be very usefull to me as i am studying to be a PE and SOSE teacher.
Google Earth develops the images of the cities of the world by incorporating pictures taken of a particular location, from a variety of angles, and adjusting it to meet the needs of the program. IN the latest version of Google Earth, the moon and Mars are included and can be easily viewed, as well as below the oceans surface. Another application invovled in Google Earth is the ability to fly a plane around a paritcular location. THerefore, the user is able to view different parts of a town, city or country.
Google Maps does not have as many features as Google Earth, yet it is still a very valuable teaching tools as student's can view streets, cities, and locations around the world with extremely clear footage of these areas.
Google Earth is available in some schools around Australia. I know from personal experience that many schools in Mackay have Google Earth downloaded and avaliable for students. By incorporating google Earth into the classroom, teachers open up a " world of information" for students to access and be involved in. Google Earth could be incorpoarated into a vairety of learning subjects, such as SOSE, English, Biology, Science, HPE and others.
When using this technology as a teacher, I would try to ensure all students remain on task, as this type of technology has the ability to distract students. Student's could become distracted by looking at their house or friend's house, and not focus on the task at hand. However, i believe google earth is an amazing teaching tool that will be very usefull to me as i am studying to be a PE and SOSE teacher.
Learning Objects
As evidenced by the postings in this blog, using computer software is a great way to engage learners and keep their attention span. As well as this, many different " Learning Objects" have been created using a variety of different computer programs and technology. " Learning Objects" offer realy life examples of knowledge students are learning and can be extremely beneficial when students are required to understand a practical concept.
While other interactive teaching tools such as powerpoint, movies and prezi presentations may keep a student's attention for a longer period of time, a " Learning object" differs in the fact that the student's are actively invovled with the learning object and affect many elements of the learning tool. Learning Objects offer the same amount of interaction as many games, and can even be designed in a way to promote the tool as being a game. THis can be seen on this Learning object, student's are detectives that must use different tools and methods to discover forensic evidence in a crime scene. This can give the impression that students are playing a game, when really they are broadening their understanding of which methods to find forensic evidence is most appropriate. It is obvious that a learning manager who teachers Biology could use this tool to develop their student's knowledge. Similarly, many " Learning objects" have been created regarding the development of electical circuit, where students can build live circuits by the click of a mouse. THis would be particularly effective to develop younger science student's knowledge and understanding regarding electicity.
Interactive Learning Objects can be used regarding the principles of " Location and Access" and " Use of Information" regarding the "Big6" theory. Student's can find important information from interactive objects, while engaging with the information using a variety of sense (Hear, Sight, Touch). One student's have interacted with the information, they extract the relevant data and can move on to the process of refining and understanding that information.
Learning tools can be applied to any teaching content, which offer endless opportunities to incorparate this interactive technology into the classoom. By incorporating this technology into their class, teachers are allowing student's to be interactive and maintain focus on the content, as well as broadening their knowledge with visual examples reagarding the content they are learning.
While other interactive teaching tools such as powerpoint, movies and prezi presentations may keep a student's attention for a longer period of time, a " Learning object" differs in the fact that the student's are actively invovled with the learning object and affect many elements of the learning tool. Learning Objects offer the same amount of interaction as many games, and can even be designed in a way to promote the tool as being a game. THis can be seen on this Learning object, student's are detectives that must use different tools and methods to discover forensic evidence in a crime scene. This can give the impression that students are playing a game, when really they are broadening their understanding of which methods to find forensic evidence is most appropriate. It is obvious that a learning manager who teachers Biology could use this tool to develop their student's knowledge. Similarly, many " Learning objects" have been created regarding the development of electical circuit, where students can build live circuits by the click of a mouse. THis would be particularly effective to develop younger science student's knowledge and understanding regarding electicity.
Interactive Learning Objects can be used regarding the principles of " Location and Access" and " Use of Information" regarding the "Big6" theory. Student's can find important information from interactive objects, while engaging with the information using a variety of sense (Hear, Sight, Touch). One student's have interacted with the information, they extract the relevant data and can move on to the process of refining and understanding that information.
Learning tools can be applied to any teaching content, which offer endless opportunities to incorparate this interactive technology into the classoom. By incorporating this technology into their class, teachers are allowing student's to be interactive and maintain focus on the content, as well as broadening their knowledge with visual examples reagarding the content they are learning.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Youtube Teaching Video
Youtube is a service which provides users the ability to upload and download videos relating to a whole range of topics. Really, the videos uploaded can be about anything, as long as they are allowed by the terms of conditions. Therefore, youtube offers a wide variety of music,dance,sport,cooking,drams, action, and real life footage. Users can upload how to videos, videos of shows or events on televesion ect.
Youtube is blocked to students in many schools around Australia. The reason for this is that schools do not want students watching the latest funny or popular movie and be distracted form their work. However, many teachers still have access to youtube, which opens up an oppurtunity for eldless information to be used in the classroom.
Youtube and web videos are most effective when dealing with visual learners, as learners are able to see information presented in the movie. As I am studying to become a PE teacher, youtube videos are a great way to show students sporting actions and concepts that they may not understand from my instructions or reading about them.
The video below shows the audience how to complete an effective rugby tackle. THis is the type of yotube clip i would show my students as a PE teacher. The video is broken up into segments and shows the learner different stages of a tackle which, went put together, can be extremely effective.
Video and audio footage relates to the principle of "Use of Information" regarding the "Big 6" principle, as students can gather a wide range of information from these sources, as well as interacting with the information by viewing and hearing it.
When using youtube in the classroom, it is necesarry to have restrictions in place on students, which as stated earlier, most schools already have. When begining teaching I would be cautious as to how much youtube footage I use, as I still want my students to be able to understand concepts of sport and movement wihtout relying on video footage to guide them. However , as the class progresses and when I feel it is necessary, I will show youtube clips to ensure my students understand exactly what they are meant to be doing.
Youtube is blocked to students in many schools around Australia. The reason for this is that schools do not want students watching the latest funny or popular movie and be distracted form their work. However, many teachers still have access to youtube, which opens up an oppurtunity for eldless information to be used in the classroom.
Youtube and web videos are most effective when dealing with visual learners, as learners are able to see information presented in the movie. As I am studying to become a PE teacher, youtube videos are a great way to show students sporting actions and concepts that they may not understand from my instructions or reading about them.
The video below shows the audience how to complete an effective rugby tackle. THis is the type of yotube clip i would show my students as a PE teacher. The video is broken up into segments and shows the learner different stages of a tackle which, went put together, can be extremely effective.
Video and audio footage relates to the principle of "Use of Information" regarding the "Big 6" principle, as students can gather a wide range of information from these sources, as well as interacting with the information by viewing and hearing it.
When using youtube in the classroom, it is necesarry to have restrictions in place on students, which as stated earlier, most schools already have. When begining teaching I would be cautious as to how much youtube footage I use, as I still want my students to be able to understand concepts of sport and movement wihtout relying on video footage to guide them. However , as the class progresses and when I feel it is necessary, I will show youtube clips to ensure my students understand exactly what they are meant to be doing.
Throughout most of this blog, the e-learning programs and applications have focused on visual enhancement of information. However, a podcast is a very different application that can enhance material being taught in the classroom.
A podcast is like an audio file that is uploaded onto the interent. You can listen to a podcast the same way you would listen to music and video footage on your computer, MP3, ipod ect. However, podcasts are different from normal music files, as they are usually released in a system such as each week or month by the creator. Indivuduals are able to subscribe to a podcast and it is automatically downloaded onto their technological device. For example, a person may want to subscribe to a cooking podcast from a famous cheif, so everytime that chief downloads his audio or video podcast about cooking, that podcast wil be automatically downloaded for the user. THis saves the users time as they do not have to go directly to the podcast link to download the file.
Podcasts can include video, audio footage or both. Therefore, a podcast is generally very helpful to a student who has strong visual or adutory learning abilities. In my classroom, I would use podcasts as a way to help me explain key areas of information that other people may have more knowledge about. For example, I may have a great knowledge of Rugby Union, yet a poor knowledge on netball. Therefore, I could incorporate podcasts about netball into my lessons to ensure the students understand the keys to netball ect. This would also improve my knowledge of the subject.As stated earlier, podcasts are automatically downloaded if you subscribe to them, therefore if I know I had a term of Netball coming up, I could just subscribe to the podcast about Netball and not have to worry about finding the link each week to download the file.
Podcasts are a great tool to use in the classroom if you understand what they are and how they can be used most effectively.
A podcast is like an audio file that is uploaded onto the interent. You can listen to a podcast the same way you would listen to music and video footage on your computer, MP3, ipod ect. However, podcasts are different from normal music files, as they are usually released in a system such as each week or month by the creator. Indivuduals are able to subscribe to a podcast and it is automatically downloaded onto their technological device. For example, a person may want to subscribe to a cooking podcast from a famous cheif, so everytime that chief downloads his audio or video podcast about cooking, that podcast wil be automatically downloaded for the user. THis saves the users time as they do not have to go directly to the podcast link to download the file.
Podcasts can include video, audio footage or both. Therefore, a podcast is generally very helpful to a student who has strong visual or adutory learning abilities. In my classroom, I would use podcasts as a way to help me explain key areas of information that other people may have more knowledge about. For example, I may have a great knowledge of Rugby Union, yet a poor knowledge on netball. Therefore, I could incorporate podcasts about netball into my lessons to ensure the students understand the keys to netball ect. This would also improve my knowledge of the subject.As stated earlier, podcasts are automatically downloaded if you subscribe to them, therefore if I know I had a term of Netball coming up, I could just subscribe to the podcast about Netball and not have to worry about finding the link each week to download the file.
Podcasts are a great tool to use in the classroom if you understand what they are and how they can be used most effectively.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Images seem like such a standard tool in today's learning environment. Images offer great visual stimulation to students and can really help a student understand information about a topic in conjunction with text.
When looking at images regarding e-learning, it is important to maintain quality in the images. Some image types, such as GIF and JPEG may be more useful for blogs and webpages, while other types may be more useful for print publication, such as EPS.

To the right is a picture which shows the correct tackle technique when tackling in Rugby Union. As I am studying to become a PE teacher, by using images such as this, my students will be able to see exactly what the technique looks like rather than trying to picture it in their head through words. While this tackle is already half completed, you can see the correct technique by where the head is placed, the shoulder is aiming just above the thigh and the arms of the tackler are around the player. BY showing a football team this image, along with some demonstrations, they would well be on their way to understanding the correct technique of tackling.
Images are best used with visual learners who can view an image and understand the information in it and can use that information for their own technique. Images are a great tool for teachers and educators and as they say, a picture tells a thousand words.
When looking at images regarding e-learning, it is important to maintain quality in the images. Some image types, such as GIF and JPEG may be more useful for blogs and webpages, while other types may be more useful for print publication, such as EPS.

To the right is a picture which shows the correct tackle technique when tackling in Rugby Union. As I am studying to become a PE teacher, by using images such as this, my students will be able to see exactly what the technique looks like rather than trying to picture it in their head through words. While this tackle is already half completed, you can see the correct technique by where the head is placed, the shoulder is aiming just above the thigh and the arms of the tackler are around the player. BY showing a football team this image, along with some demonstrations, they would well be on their way to understanding the correct technique of tackling.
Images are best used with visual learners who can view an image and understand the information in it and can use that information for their own technique. Images are a great tool for teachers and educators and as they say, a picture tells a thousand words.
Multiple Intelligences Result

To the left is the multiple intelligence test I completed on When looking at the results it is obvious I am definately a Kinesthetic learner. I love being outdoors and playing sport. I think this passion comes in when I am learning as I would rather be completing tasks with my hands. I really dislike just sitting around writing down information. I would much rather be actively completing a task.
This is just one multiple intelligences test and there are many more that can be completed. I completed this test on If you would like to complete this test, click here.
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